Hello my very few followers. I just wanted to let you know what's the future for this account... well... let me tell you.
I have many stories I need to finish or revise a bit or hell even start. I'm planning to continue this account as long as I can in my life time. I usually stick to one story for a long while and then I suddenly ditch it. A bad habit of mine but not one of my worst. I honeslty think about my stories alot. Usually every single day. I notice that some writers usually don't upload one chapter at a time and they publish the whole book when they are done. I might start doing that but who knows. But I might do that with a story that I recently though of (right now while t
yping this actually lol). It's going to be a really big story that is a bit important to me because of some events that have happened in my life. So I don't want to rush this, I hope you can understand. I'm going to update alot more with posts like this. I love you all and stay posted.