In India, there are 15 lakh engineers who pass out every year from which only 2.5 lakh students land relevant jobs in the technical world. With this situation, in Delhi Karol bagh which becomes Asia's no.1 market in the mobile/laptop world. Everyone is using mobile/laptop for day to day updates and this digital world needs maintenance, repairing with time, and for this Hitech institute which located in Karol bagh "the hub of mobile/laptop repairing'' give the education to teach best skills to their students in repairing the world with theoretical and practical learning. If you want to make your career and earn a good package every month and also want to become your own boss. Then, call us now: 9212577577
  • 2922/44, Saraswati Marg, opp. Regent Tower, Ghaffar Market, Beadonpura, Karol Bagh, New Delhi 110005
  • JoinedNovember 26, 2022

Mobile Repairing Course by Mobilecourse
Mobile Repairing Course
In India, there are 15 lakh engineers who pass out every year from which only 2.5 lakh students land relevant...
Mobile & Laptop Repairing Course by Mobilecourse
Mobile & Laptop Repairing Course
If you are looking for a career in the technical world, and you want to make your career in the repairing ind...