Tagged by @Tephra_ (tagging you back) The rules - - You have to put five facts about yourself - Can't be in the comments/replies - You have to complete this before a week or there will be punishment! ._. - Don't forget to post the rules - Don't back out! - Tag fifteen people 1. I read Ava's Demon and Dream*Scar (and Homestuck...but that's over) 2. I'm a fan of the Nancy Drew video games created by HerInteractive, and have a collection of 18 of them 3. I like tea...a lot 4. I had a fear of elevators until I befriended @LittleBeatlemaniac who lives on the 9th floor (tagging you) 5. I play the piano, but bowed instruments are my favourite also tagging @Bubblegum366 @ErinCampbelll @YourFaceisaCake @anshi_kuhu @TheRealSlimShady9 (sorry I don't have 15 friends on Wattpad)