
Five words as my thoughts for the Black-Lives-Matter stand happening currently: #AllLivesMatter #StopKillings
          	       Black lives (definitely will, and will ALWAYS) matter, and so does everyone else's. Violence has sky-rocketed to crazy amounts from all the drama occurring with news about the COVID-19, and that's what I think we should be addressing, to be honest. 
          	Here's my perspective: we all live once, and whether or not we are reincarnated, we lose what we've had in the past; connections to people, built-up success, and so much more! That's why life is something precious, once that's gone, it causes a ripple-effect to the people related/known to that person.
          	       So, let's spread the right message! I also hope everyone is safe, and don't forget to sanitize your limbs thoroughly! :D


Five words as my thoughts for the Black-Lives-Matter stand happening currently: #AllLivesMatter #StopKillings
                 Black lives (definitely will, and will ALWAYS) matter, and so does everyone else's. Violence has sky-rocketed to crazy amounts from all the drama occurring with news about the COVID-19, and that's what I think we should be addressing, to be honest. 
          Here's my perspective: we all live once, and whether or not we are reincarnated, we lose what we've had in the past; connections to people, built-up success, and so much more! That's why life is something precious, once that's gone, it causes a ripple-effect to the people related/known to that person.
                 So, let's spread the right message! I also hope everyone is safe, and don't forget to sanitize your limbs thoroughly! :D


Hello my lovely followers and fellow writers~! Just wanted to say, if you’re reading my book “The Love Life of Dipper Pines”, the next chapter is OUT! Yay! I’ll try to update my other book as well.
          Until then, farewell!


I know this is going to sound weird but, the way that you type your sentences sounds so formal, fancy, and elegant. This is a compliment and not a weird comment you should look into.


@Pinkiepiequeen: XD Thank you, I think it’s really sweet~! Little comments like these make my day! The only reason I sound like this is because I went to preparatory school in England.


Hello everyone~! I am sincerely sorry for being offline for such an extensive amount of time, but work has had me holed up in my office, and writer's block has held me in its clutches much longer than I predicted.
                 Anyway, I will attempt to work out my issues, and hopefully update my two books. I apologize for all your waiting, and I am gratefully many of you are patient.
                 I would also like to thank all of my recent followers; people like you provide the support and encouragement I need. I am forever in your debt; some writers need followers to feel confidence and I am definitely among them!
                 So, as a final message, I want to say thank you to everyone who has ever read, commented on, and followed my stories. Same thing goes to the all the people I've spoken to~!
                 Farewell my followers and fellow writers~! I'll be seeing all of you again sometime in the future~!


Here's a mini-mystery!
           There was a rare fish being transported from Europe to Japan, and it was hidden in a warehouse near five private homes. Later, the exotic fish was stolen, and the police suspect that one of the five people living in the houses is the culprit. The police manage to collect a few clues from each resident. 
          House #1: The man there loves looking at fish, and would like to have one. 
          House #2: The woman has a grudge against the man who had shipped his fish over to Japan, and would like revenge. 
          House #3: The man there already owns a fish, and had just moved in a few months ago. 
          House #4: The woman has a dog, and is severely allergic to the ingredients in fish food. 
          House #5: The woman there has a cat, and owns a variety of exotic fish from multiple countries. 
          House #1: The man was in the basement when the police came to his door and began to question him. 
          House #2: The woman has been tracking the fish's distance from Europe ever since the plans were announced, and she had just moved into the house last year. 
          House #3: The man was in his living room, sitting in a chair next to the window that faced the warehouse, before the police came. 
          House #4: The woman was cooking her lunch during the incident, and her dog was in the backyard. 
          House #5: The woman was getting ready for an afternoon nap after feeding her fish and securing the lid over the fish tank. 
          Final Clue: All residents had walked past their windows facing the warehouse when the incident happened at 12 in the afternoon. 
          Figure out who had kidnapped the fish, and how.


@UNIQUE_LITTLE_POTATO: Thank you for following me~! "Project Demigod" is quite the book, yes? "Complicated feelings" seems to be the overall message throughout a majority of the plot. 
          I feel no sympathy for Percy; he left Nico hanging when they were supposed to kiss in that dancing-together-in-Italy scene. Nico, smack that Seaweed Brain, and just confess already!


Lol, that is incredibly true~! Pray you do not leave Nico childless, Percy~! XP


Project Demigod is one of the very few long books that I actually put the effort in to keep up with!
            And yes, I agree with you totally. Percy, I love you and all, but sometimes I wish for you to be shot in the balls 