
hi i started the technicali story was enjoy hope it hasn’t been dropped 
          was curious if you will mention the capacity of the staduim since it’s in la it should be large since american stadiums are quite large


@Mock433 also what do you ... think of the uniform of technicali are you keeping it the same or making some small changes just curious


@SuleymanMohammed2 It's not dropped. I've just been busy and doing some research on football and looking into the comics for inspiration. I'm also re-doing the next chapter because I want to extend it to 2 chapters. I never thought of capacity in the stadiums as the only time it's mentioned is in Beautiful Gaming  where Ga Shuku stadium's capacity is 70,000, so I'll just go with 80,000


Hello there, i saw your Technicali fic here, love how its going so far, just asking is this an update schedule type of thing or do you just write wheninspiration hits? Just asking hope im not beign a bother. But also will you address the factBloks brother joined Technicali but doesnt show up anymore after his debut episode?


So how is the next chapter coming along?


@Xenvic Tony will appear from time to time


Loved the New Chapter, Only question I have is Where is Tony? I know he was demoted but wouldn't he still have a Presence? Also Called it on Tiger Knowing Hisoka