
It's been a while, hasn't it? Not since I last wrote, no. Since I first joined.
          	Five years ago, I joined Wattpad. I published my first story, received my first comments and votes, and began a new chapter in my life. From Dragon Ball, to Youtubers, to video games, I wrote thousands upon thousands of words.
          	I made friends. While we hardly speak now, I cherish them to this day. Our band of stupid teens who wrote like our lives depended on it. A family with thousands of miles between us. 
          	In these five years, I've watched Wattpad fall from grace. It devolved from a free site to share cringy content to a cheap cash grab. And now, Wattpad begins a chapter of its it's own. I'll watch from the sidelines as it further crumbles. Because it was never about the quality.
          	Wattpad rose to fame because of its young, amateur authors. Painted by self insert fanfiction and shipping galore, we were never here to make money. We were just kids having fun. But that fun is gone now, ruined by the need to profit. 
          	Where it stands, Wattpad will likely become the next WebToon clone, with limited reading per day unless money is spent. As someone from the peak of Wattpad's popularity, it's heartbreaking to see how far it's fallen and continues to fall.
          	To the Wattpad of 2016, your legacy of disastrous content will live on in our memories.
          	To the Wattpad of 2021...good riddance.
          	Thank you for the chances and friends you've given me. I bid adieu, and turn the page to the next chapter of my story.


@HayleySPN don't worry, i'll always lurk about to see what chaos pops up next
          	  i can't fully abandon this messy site when i made such close friends through it


It's been a while, hasn't it? Not since I last wrote, no. Since I first joined.
          Five years ago, I joined Wattpad. I published my first story, received my first comments and votes, and began a new chapter in my life. From Dragon Ball, to Youtubers, to video games, I wrote thousands upon thousands of words.
          I made friends. While we hardly speak now, I cherish them to this day. Our band of stupid teens who wrote like our lives depended on it. A family with thousands of miles between us. 
          In these five years, I've watched Wattpad fall from grace. It devolved from a free site to share cringy content to a cheap cash grab. And now, Wattpad begins a chapter of its it's own. I'll watch from the sidelines as it further crumbles. Because it was never about the quality.
          Wattpad rose to fame because of its young, amateur authors. Painted by self insert fanfiction and shipping galore, we were never here to make money. We were just kids having fun. But that fun is gone now, ruined by the need to profit. 
          Where it stands, Wattpad will likely become the next WebToon clone, with limited reading per day unless money is spent. As someone from the peak of Wattpad's popularity, it's heartbreaking to see how far it's fallen and continues to fall.
          To the Wattpad of 2016, your legacy of disastrous content will live on in our memories.
          To the Wattpad of 2021...good riddance.
          Thank you for the chances and friends you've given me. I bid adieu, and turn the page to the next chapter of my story.


@HayleySPN don't worry, i'll always lurk about to see what chaos pops up next
            i can't fully abandon this messy site when i made such close friends through it


I fell in love with the Final Fantasy franchise last year in March. I don't know how I learned of the franchise, nor do I know why I suddenly became so enthralled with it, to the point where I bugged my dad for days to find the cables to hook up our PS2 to my TV. Something just came over me, made me desperately want to play a game I didn't know anything about. 
          It was in April last year that I actually first played it, not March. It wouldn't be until the end of that next month that I would fall into "obsession hell" once again. But I fell hard. 
          Before playing FF7, I knew a few bits and pieces. I learned who Cloud was during my freshman year at the convention I went to while playing Smash 4. I knew of Sephiroth's existence from the general gaming community. Other than that, I knew nothing else. Cut to two years later, and I can recite the names of the main protagonist and antagonist from each FF without issue.
          Watching the new teaser trailer for the remake made me emotional. I'm not ashamed to admit that I did cry. Not ugly cry, but close. FF7 was my escape during all of sophomore year. It still is, even now, an escape when I desperately need one. 
          The music enchanted me and made the experience beautiful. The world, while considered ugly in today's graphics standard, had so much detail and design out into it. The characters grew on me as I played for hours and hours. Aerith's theme makes me cry. Midgar became a fictional home for me. Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Barret, Cid, Vincent, and Aerith became my friends. Sappy, I know. But it's the truth.
          I'm happy beyond belief to finally see more of FF7 Remake. Words can't express how this game has impacted my life. One thing's for sure, though...
          I'm ready to kick Sephiroth's ass in glorious HD.


this message may be offensive
If you cannot bring yourself to type out a name or a word completely, don't bother typing it. I am sick and tired of people using * to censor out a letter of a word because they "don't want to say that horrible thing on my page". Especially when it comes to situations where it's completely unnecessary. 
          As for the horrible, HORRIBLE incident that occurred in New Zealand...focus on those who were slaughtered in their building of worship. Do not give the racist a name. Give the dead their names. Remember those, not his. 
          And for the love of everything in the shit world, drop the pewdiepie talk. I am not, nor will I be, the last person to mention that turning your attention onto him and away from the incident is what this murderer wanted. To turn the media and the public against a famous figure, so as to draw all attention away from those who are grieving for their lost loved ones and to cause arguments once again between Felix's fans and those who believe him to be a fascist. 


The fact that Wattpad is slowly becoming a quick cash grab for users is honestly kind of disappointing. Believe me, I understand writing stories takes hours upon hours of work. But a vast majority of the authors on here are amateurs, myself included. While I'm all for inspiring new talent and such, being an author is one of the few artistic abilities I feel requires you to be a trained professional to earn money for. 


Without any spoilers, the Steven Universe season finale that aired tonight was utterly amazing and I can't stop thinking about it. The animation, the story, everything was so well made and heartfelt. Rebecca and the Crewniverse out so much love into this episode and it was clear as day to see. 
          I am shocked that this wasn't THE finale. There were no loose ends. No plot twists or cliffhangers. It genuinely felt like a series finally. And I do think that's how you know you've done a show right. When ALL the viewers can agree that the ending was satisfying, that really shows the success.
          I don't know where the show will go with the new season.. I'm not sure another finale could ever top this one. But, I'm excited to see what happens next. 


I have made the mistake of finishing off a bag of XXTRA Hot Cheetos. Now, I can handle spicy stuff pretty well, but when the very last Cheetos are coated in so much powder they're almost black, there's no surviving. And the loose dust going down my esophagus feels like Satan has ripped open my throat and is sensually licking my windpipe while lava goes into my lungs. All in all, a good decision has been made on my part.