
          	Season 2 Notes are finally done. Epi 32: Now and Then - Chen's return to work after the kidnapping is In Progress! Hopefully, I will have an update soon!


Falling for Lucy/lusting for lucy fans! Wow, season 6 so far... Amirrite?! I want everyone to know no matter what happens to Chenford I will keep writing. 
          As far as writing goes, I haven't been as active as I would like. Life has been busy, and I also have been dealing with some grief and depression lately. A few years ago I had 5 young and rowdy ferrets which took up a lot of my time. As of a month ago I now have zero. In the last 6 months I have lost 3 ferrets to varying age related diseases and while each loss was hard the last one has been the hardest. I am now going through the full grieving process for all the ferrets I have loved and cared for as I make the decision not to rescue any more at this time. 
          So I just ask that you be patient with me as I finish my notes for season 2. This part of the process is by far the hardest because I watch the show 5 seconds at a time and then write down everything that happens in extreme detail, rinse, wash, repeat. One 45 minute episode can take up 2 hours to "transcribe". I have a whole new appreciation for the time the writers, producers, directors and editors take to bring us the show we love and I'm only writing Tim's POV!
          So yeah, Season 2 of Falling is coming!
          Please feel free to drop your season 6 thoughts in the comments. I'll go first! 


@ModernLiteraryWitch Tim's random and totally unexplainable break up with Lucy over the military ethical dilemma was super frustrating, but after seeing this week's episode I realized it was not only for the relationship drama but to comnect Tim and the psychiatrist. I am very interested to see what they decide to do with her storyline as the season continues. 


Falling for Lucy - episode 12 notes are done! That was a big chapter with 34 pages of notes. Gonna keep working on finishing notes for the rest of the season before I start writing. Hopefully this will make chapters coming out more consistently once I move on to that part. 


Season 1 Falling for Lucy is finally done with a total of 87,000 words! I'm a little delayed but let's see how much of season 2 I can get done with nanowrimo! Wish me luck! 


@ModernLiteraryWitch I have too much time on my hand so if you want me to help look and write down stuff that Tim says and does I have no problem helping if that's OK and if not, I will let you do it. L o l


@ModernLiteraryWitch damn well the fact that you can do that is amazing well please let me know if there is anything I can do to help or assist with for your book I love reading the chapters they are well thought out and are amazing 


@LeAnnPierce The part that takes the longest is copying down everything tim sees, hears, and says in the show. A 45 minute episode can take me almost 2 hours to get through as I essentially have to copy down the script and exactly what happens on screen then I type that up and add tim's thoughts and feelings. So that's what I am working on right now which is writing up notes for season 2. typed full chapters are averaging 3,000-5,000 words.