You can call me Cassandra.  I'm just your average university student who happens to enjoy many things. Among those are One Direction and writing. Why not create the best of both worlds where fantasies are brought to life. Tell me what you think, I'm always open to critiques and opinions.
  • RegistriertNovember 7, 2015

Folge ich

Geschichten von Cassandra
A.D.I.D.A.S. von ModernMistress
Louis is struggling with his chaotic life of lies and being a part of the band. He's falling a part and looks...
Hazel // L.P. von ModernMistress
Hazel // L.P.
"He had the most gentle of brown eyes that seemed to stare into the depths of my being." "This...
Scrabble // H.S. von ModernMistress
Scrabble // H.S.
Just a one shot story about how the game of Scrabble when playing with Harry Styles.
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