@NimbusWindstrider @Dramoinehead Talk about sunk ships, geez XD..Fine think about Four and Triss from Divergent, NO! Will and Tessa from TID, or Jace and Clary from TMI, better yet isabella and simon, or simon and clary, or clary or sebastian? Jace and Sebastian! Alec and Jace! Jace and Magnus! Magnus and Camille..um no, not that one...Idk, everyone's in love with eachother..Hunger Games..no..damn love triangles. You know what? Romeo and Juliet is actually PERFECT. Better than Edward and Bella, anyway..You don't stalk Emily 24/7, watch her sleep at night, lowkey smell her, dream of killing her, refuse to touch her, and then impregnate her with a hybrid-human-monster, do you...nvm..don't wanna know lol