Welcome , @Mojdam , to Wattpad.
I'm so delighted that an awesome African young lady has found my stories, and thank you ever so much for adding Risking All for Love to your reading list.
The story begins at Holy Cross Mission in the remote jungle village of Bolahun , Liberia , where I served as a Peace Corps teacher.
My experiences in Africa are woven into the narrative, and real people have inspired my characters.
For reasons of nostalgia I included myself and some of the mission workers at the end of the Prologue.
In that scene in the monastery tea room we are discussing Baby Margaux, whom the Lebanese merchant left at the mission the night before.
I used my fellow workers' first names, and they called me Perk.
By Chapter One we are long gone, and Margaux is a young woman.
Enjoy my story. It's nice to meet you.