
          	It has been forever since I have updated, hopefully that’ll change soon. Basically I want to heavily edit my stories already published and write a couple chapters ahead for them so I can have a upload schedule. I will start with Universal Pain, the main reason being it was first published. 
          	I don’t want to give up on them, but I’m not proud of what they are right now, so before I can give more chapters I need to change. A lot. 
          	I also have many stories in the works and once I get my current stories on a roll I may consider throwing some out there. For now they’ll stay archived and maybe in a couple months or so they’ll see daylight. 
          	Thank you for being patient with me, I’ll try to get universal pain updated come spring break (March 13) but if not it’ll definitely be done come May. That’s all for now loves.
          	~Love Molly


          It has been forever since I have updated, hopefully that’ll change soon. Basically I want to heavily edit my stories already published and write a couple chapters ahead for them so I can have a upload schedule. I will start with Universal Pain, the main reason being it was first published. 
          I don’t want to give up on them, but I’m not proud of what they are right now, so before I can give more chapters I need to change. A lot. 
          I also have many stories in the works and once I get my current stories on a roll I may consider throwing some out there. For now they’ll stay archived and maybe in a couple months or so they’ll see daylight. 
          Thank you for being patient with me, I’ll try to get universal pain updated come spring break (March 13) but if not it’ll definitely be done come May. That’s all for now loves.
          ~Love Molly


Sooooo....I’ve been inactive and I apologize! I am working on stuff but I started college and it’s a lot of work. I will be posting more soon hopefully and if I don’t feel free to attack me....or don’t? That’s all for now my loves! Chau for now. 
          ~ Molly le author 


@MollyBrady01 don't let people attack you 