
Please update your story call tell me that you love me Finchel plz update 


@princessbell101 I'm really sorry that I haven't updated it, but I've got an order going and as soon as I finish my The Princes and Us story this is the one I'll be working on, and I'm nearly finished with it, also I haven't had the time to sit down at my laptop and just write because I have been so busy, I have three shows coming up and 2 of them are weeks apart from each other so I'm working really hard for them and HSM is quite difficult because a few things have happened concerning cast and we need to try and get back on course with it all and I have my A-Levels, so I'm really swamped. I'm getting there, but slowly, I hope you understand, but I will try and update as much as my schedule will allow.


How come your chapters are in different books?


@MollyHoward1 yes thank you ☺


@iiWolfeh because originally, I was a YouTuber and wrote my stories in the description box, so I made each chapter individually and put the link to each chapter in the description box because YouTube wouldn't let me write in the description box anymore but now I'm turning them all into books for Wattpad but leaving the individual chapters up in case people come across them on YouTube and want to read them, hope that cleared it up 


@Loser_With_Nutella that's what I want to know...