
I feel like im losing my best friend because her dad did something so stupid and is now in jail and shes losing to many people that she loves 


I feel like i lost everything i live for


@Mollyawesomeness102 sits not my friends but i was faking depression for attention and regret it now still because i feel like ctuaactually started to become depressed by the way i felt and slept through the day stayed up at night 


@Mollyawesomeness102 i just recently had a falling out with my friends. They were the only real friends i ever had, and i felt ao alone and outcasted, a friend even said i was faking depression for attention, which really hurt, but then i found new friends who made me feel happy and loved. If you feel that way about your friends, they probably aren't true friends and there's something better waiting for you


@thestrangestavocado thank you for now but every thing feels like its going to hurt me even my friends i feel like they will stab me in the back 