
The first six chapters of my new story, Blooming Little's Academy, are out NOW!!!! Have fun reading ;)


Does anyone know if you can still update a story after you mark it as “complete?” I tried to google it, but I’m not getting a clear answer. 
          I wanna mark My Little Girl as complete that way those who were waiting for it to be done see that it is now, but I wanna be able to add bonus content :)


Hi lovelies<3
          I'm currently writing the last chapter of My Little Girl. It should be yours sometime this afternoon. I've got to say, I'm feeling a bit emotional about the ending of this story because although it is happy, I am so attached to these characters, especially because this is the first story I've ever written. THANK YOU to anyone who has ever voted, or commented. It really does mean a lot. 
          The new story is already decently long and I cannot wait to share it with you :) I'm proud of myself because I feel like my writing has improved drastically between this story and the new one. I really hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it so far<3
          Much love Xx,


@iamaprettybrunette Thank you so much ahhhhh!! You have no idea how much that means to me<333 I hope you enjoy the new story just as much if not more :)


ahhh!!! well done for finishing an entireee stroy! cannot wait to see the next x


Hi friends :)
          This is just a heads up that chapter 53 will probably be the last official chapter of My Little Girl. Don’t panic, I’ll upload bonus chapters every once in a while!! Anddddd I started working on a new story!! I may be biased bc it’s my writing, but I think it’s amazing and I know you’re going to love it <3
          Love you all,


Hi friends,
          7 more chapters until the new ones start (for those of you who have been here since my story got removed). I have to say, it's kind of disappointing how little reads it's getting now vs. before it was removed. I just wonder why that is. I'm also still worried about them removing it again and possibly taking down my account so I cant stress this enough: Please follow me on Inkitt @ MollysFantasies as a back up !!! 
          Much love Xx,


Also, please vote/comment on the chapters! I'm wondering if my older readers not voting again since they've already read these chapters is why its not getting much engagement.


Hi lovelies,
          I have my story “My Little Girl” on my Google Docs, but I don’t know if attempting to republish it here is a great idea bc it might put my entire account at risk.
          I have requested for an invite to create an Ao3 account, but they said not to expect the invite until January 30th.
          I’m really sorry about this, it’s frustrating for both me and you. Just be patient and I may be able to use Ao3 if you wanna keep reading :)
          Thank you for your support.
          Much love as always xx,


@MollysFantasies you could go to daily to publish your story