
Uh help? Im not sure on what the best regards as to writing fan fiction about real people is it okay? 


I don’t want to make another chapter update Bc that’s annoying but just so y’all know I’m working on a few and I have another fic I’m going to be putting more of my time in. Does anyone want a red dead fic? 


Yes rdr2 specifically and yesss I’ll do it I love that gruff man 


@MomentofEuphoria red dead redemption you mean? if you do then heck yes I need me some good ol Arthur


Hello! I’m not sure how this works but I’m running low on ideas! So I’ll be putting out few more chapters then I will officially be stuck if I’m not provided with some ideas to help until my writer block cures itself. Check out my second book I haven’t gotten fully around to it but I plan to