No problem i just want that story to continue because i get so much joy when a new chapter comes out and without power join and the reigns I'm empty inside
Hi my name is Benjamin Lee Christensen i love your channel on YouTube storywriter1209 and I know that your planning on shutting it down in September but please for the love of all things anime keep doing power join and the reigns of not in YouTube then here in wattpad because i love those stories and I can't live without them they are what makes everyday so important the excitement of the next installment. Please don't stop writing them.
@user27138801 Hi Benjamin thank you for the comment :) I'm sorry I didn't see this until now :( my bad. However, I'm gonna make another announcement on YouTube soon, maybe I can something different than deletion ;)
Thank you also for liking Power Join, a lot of people are giving that story a lot of hate but thank you for showing support :)