
Hello my loves! Sorry I have been gone for long time! But I bring gift to this new year! Their is going to be a second chapter of The Girl With Her Life Ruined, and also their will be a new story!  But when it's coming out is a secret. Love you all and Bye Bye ~XOXO Momo


Hello my loves! Sorry I have been gone for long time! But I bring gift to this new year! Their is going to be a second chapter of The Girl With Her Life Ruined, and also their will be a new story!  But when it's coming out is a secret. Love you all and Bye Bye ~XOXO Momo


Hello  I have great news the first chapter of “The Girl With Her Life Ruined” is finished so I’m gonna post at 2:00 PM today. I hope you enjoy and vote for it if wanna see chapter two. Please do share this story with you friend! ~ XOXO Momo