Writing a story is my pass-time. Flowerboys Next Door is a story I wrote(still on going) and I'm not planning to continue it for a long time. Like I said, writing stories are just my pass-time, clearly, when I only have time. I'm pretty busy these past few months and I'm quite sure that I'll be very busy to the next remaining months this year. So, I'm really sorry for not updating more frequently than I should. Hoping that I can update my stories by the end of the year. Fighting! By the way, I think I got better in constructing sentences now-a-days. Not to tell you, but I've been reading a lot of literature and other informative books like (encyclopedia, history, and such. Of course, don't forget about the Romantic novels). Though I'm busy, my on hold stories are somehow bothering me and keeps popping in my head, it concerns me, to think that my readers might be waiting quite long... Just think of it this way, I'm enhancing my vocabulary and I'm trying my best to improve my grammar. While I'm away from my fictional world, I'm here in reality working on somethings that will help me someday when I write my stories. Well, that's all about it. Annyeong <3