Just wanted to say thanks for the voting storm on Lexi's Undoing. She has made it to 344 on the Romance hot list, and it's because of the amazing votes and support of her readers. You rock!
The way I understand it is, when your story cracks the top 1000 most popular stories (which is based on a Wattpad algorithm, usually votes and reads), they place your story on the hot list of whatever genre you've listed your story under. When this happens, you will see your rating posted on the right hand side of your story. If you go to my profile page, you will see the rating next to Lexi's Undoing. I believe Lexi made it to the hot list because I asked Wattpad to feature her on the Romance Featured List. This was not possible because the content was too mature, but they did feature her on Wattpad's Romance profile and Wattpad After Dark profile. I noticed your story is rated 'mature', so you can send a request to Wattpad's editorial team via the Wattpad Help Center and ask to be added to the Romance profile page. I hope this info helps you get more exposure for your story.
@neverfakeit lol well thnx and how did you find out what number you are every book i read has been showing their rank and i cant find mine