
Just want to apologise to anyone who has been waiting on any updates for my stories - i cannot promise when i will do them, but i will in time. Thinks have been hard for me for quite a while, and i just lost motivation to do the things i loved. However, i will do my best to get these stories back up and running again, need to get my brain in gear :) Hope everyone is staying safe :)


Just want to apologise to anyone who has been waiting on any updates for my stories - i cannot promise when i will do them, but i will in time. Thinks have been hard for me for quite a while, and i just lost motivation to do the things i loved. However, i will do my best to get these stories back up and running again, need to get my brain in gear :) Hope everyone is staying safe :)


Welp, just want to apologise to those who have been expecting an update from me, i did have university work to finish but by the time i got caught up i had forgotten my account for this, i know it isn't an excuse. However, now that i'm basically free (until i get a job of course), i will reread the stories and begin updating again as soon as i possibly can! I really am sorry for letting everyone down with the updates!  I won't ask for forgiveness, but i just hope when i do get them updated... they will at least make up for my tardiness.


Thx for adding my Jimin x reader to your reading list, I hope you like it!


Only stories I won't read through after its complete is if I go too into detail with certain scenes aha. Though them ones I don't publish as they're just too crazy lol. 


@Ringo-chan123 it's fine I probably went out of character in my stories as well, I couldn't force myself to read my own stories though XD


We shall see hehe. If not, I apologise in advance aha 


thanks a lot for adding my story to ur reading list!I really thought my story would never be noticed...THANKS AGAIN!<3


If others don't compliment you on the work that you produce, don't let that get you down. I write myself, so I know when stories gather interest and have the strings to pull you in. It's hard to creat storylines of real people than it is of anime characters, but you've done a really great job and you're amazing for doing that. Of course we can be friends. I might try to storyline for Suga, though I'm still fairly new to the ARMY so I'll put it on hold till I know of them better. If you want to be friends, then friends we are :) 


@MonaUnicorn I'm really glad you're enjoying the story...Also,you're the only who complimented on my work and I can't just believe it!I hope we can be friends,LUV YA!!!


You don't have to thank me for adding it, in enjoying reading it! You're really amazing at the work, I'm glad you posted it for us all to read, so I should thank you :) 