
I will be starting a new story. And I may or may not continue other stories on this page. Silent Seems WILL still continue, I'll keep writing poems. It is hard to find inspiration, and I haven't been engaged in writing for the past year. I'm discovering and changing. Thanks for reading


I will be starting a new story. And I may or may not continue other stories on this page. Silent Seems WILL still continue, I'll keep writing poems. It is hard to find inspiration, and I haven't been engaged in writing for the past year. I'm discovering and changing. Thanks for reading


I'm working on another story....Sometimes I get bored of projects fast, or I do something to pass the time before I can get another part out. Or you can call it stalling... But I'm excited because it's another poem story/poetry story thingy. IDK! BUt I can't wait to post it.