I'm not back. Not yet. But I felt the need to publish a short story, and I hope you'll forgive me for popping on Wattpad before disappearing again for a couple of years. Take care ♥️
I'm not back. Not yet. But I felt the need to publish a short story, and I hope you'll forgive me for popping on Wattpad before disappearing again for a couple of years. Take care ♥️
Today is the last day to enter the Prime Awards 2021!
We still have some slots left in Mystery/Thriller and Horror/Paranormal ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
The awesome people of FW30s book club are hosting the Prime Awards 2021!
There are still a few slots left:
- 2 Fantasy
- 10 Mystery/Thriller
- 6 Horror/Paranormal
End date for submissions: July 25th