
I sent an angel to watch over you yesterday, but they came back.
          I asked them "Why?", and they chuckled. "Angels don't watch over other angels."
          Twenty angels are in our world, ten of them are sleeping, nine of them aren't and one of them is reading this message. 
          The universe has seen you struggling with some days-it's over. 
          A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karma, send this to fourteen of your friends including me.
          If I don't get it back, I'm not one of them, suppose.
          As soon as you get give back, someone you love will quietly suprise you... I promise.
          Pass this message on and don't ignore it. You are being tested. Karma is going fox two things tonight in your favour.
          If you believe in Karma, drop everything and pass this on.
          Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Send this to fourteen friends in ten minutes, it's not that hard......u dont actually hv to send this to me tho!!lol..


hey hey heyyyyyy~
          how u doin..
          had ur lunch...btw idk where u live but whats the time going on there??


@Winter_Togepi I don't have snapchat so let's continue it here only...we don't haveuch choice as I can see.


@Monie_Koya aye..i live in india too ^_^...i dont hv insta tho..ummm maybe snapchat..or we can dm eachother on wattpad only 


Heyyy morning~♡~


@Winter_Togepi ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎


@Monie_Koya ikr..uk i was feeling soo frustrated  ̄へ ̄..but anyways its all finw now ^ω^


Heyy good evening...how was ur day..i hope went well ^_^


Nihao Σ=)


No no it's completely fine ^_^||


@Monie_Koya Ohh.. my bad -_-||


@Winter_Togepi it's also known as mandarin fyi...I'm good, thanks for asking