@BeautifuL17KhaoS .......IT IS?!?!?! Okay no sleep for me for awhile. Just going to read all your books. It will be all g. My famoly won't see me for awhile. Just a body under some blankets that hasn't moved in a few days.
@BeautifuL17KhaoS .......IT IS?!?!?! Okay no sleep for me for awhile. Just going to read all your books. It will be all g. My famoly won't see me for awhile. Just a body under some blankets that hasn't moved in a few days.
@BeautifuL17KhaoS Yah no problem. I really like your books. Like a lot. You are a talented writer. It is hard to find your style of writing and that kind of different plit line in Wattpad. I just read the entire book of Zara last night. I loved it! Can't wait for the sequel! Super stoked for that :)