
I have a lot of ideas, but most of them either turns into a doodle series or a game concept


WAAAHHHHH IM SORRY IM SUCH AN INCREDIBLY SLOW WRITER ehehe, blame it all on the Youtube and school ;_; I want to update but since Im watching alot Animes and paused One Piece, writers block is killing me, my inanimate friends are growing AND IM GOING NUTS FROM ALL OUR EXAAAAMMMSSS
          I love all my supporters and weeeeelllllllllll Im really sowwyyyy ;A;


U sound so awesome!!!! Watts is being an otaku like? Is it awesome too??? *sounds like prussia* Ima follow uuuuuu 


@sammonroe13 being an otaku is not only loving anime and manga, its wether you want to be called one, and its totally awesome, in my own opinion though, thanks for the follow btw *peace sign*