
Hello hello everyone, Monkey here. Figured I would give an update on how Cami’s journey is going. So as I’m sure Pokémon/anipoke fans known that Ash and Pikachu were retired and a new anime, Horizons has been airing. Well since the change, I have honestly not felt that motivated to write my story. The feel is just different now and after Horizons started airing, I kinda.. fell out of Pokémon I guess? Like I still love it, the show is my comfort show, I love the games and I have a collection of like 4k+ Pokemon cards. But as much as it hurts, it’s just different now and it’s harder to sit down and write it. I’ve just been more interested into other things. I’m really into the walking dead and my hero academia right now and I’m making OC’s and writing stories related to the franchise(*cough*they can be found on my DA, AO3 and tumblr*cough*). 
          	With that out of the way, am I retiring Cami’s journey? No, I’m not abandoning the story. This is more of a writing hiatus specifically for Cami’s journey. I definitely plan on continuing the story and am excited to but I think it’s gonna take some time and all. So Cami’s journey is going on Hiatus and in a way, my Wattpad will be too as it’s the only story I put on here. I will be writing other stuff(unless I procrastinate more XP) which again can be find on AO3, DA and Tumblr so if you wanna check out my other works or just wanna reach out, feel free to go on over and give them a look! 
          	My AO3 is MonkeyBell853(99% of my works there are sfw but I have one work in particular that is nsfw and for 18+ only)
          	My DeviantArt is MonkeyBell998(Sorta on a hiatus there too lol)
          	I have two tumblr blogs. monkeybell for sfw and pg/pg-13 content. monkey-at-night for nsfw content and NOT for minors/people below 18
          	Sorry about this. Trust me, it’s upsetting for me too as I love Cami’s journey so much and I will be updating it again one day. Take care y’all <3


          	  I see. I understand. Maybe you can use this time to come up new ideas for Cami's and her Pokémon's performance for her third Princess Key win and the Master Class's pokemon selection and their main performance to win their dream of becoming royal in Kalos!
          	  See you soon, hopefully! 


Hello hello everyone, Monkey here. Figured I would give an update on how Cami’s journey is going. So as I’m sure Pokémon/anipoke fans known that Ash and Pikachu were retired and a new anime, Horizons has been airing. Well since the change, I have honestly not felt that motivated to write my story. The feel is just different now and after Horizons started airing, I kinda.. fell out of Pokémon I guess? Like I still love it, the show is my comfort show, I love the games and I have a collection of like 4k+ Pokemon cards. But as much as it hurts, it’s just different now and it’s harder to sit down and write it. I’ve just been more interested into other things. I’m really into the walking dead and my hero academia right now and I’m making OC’s and writing stories related to the franchise(*cough*they can be found on my DA, AO3 and tumblr*cough*). 
          With that out of the way, am I retiring Cami’s journey? No, I’m not abandoning the story. This is more of a writing hiatus specifically for Cami’s journey. I definitely plan on continuing the story and am excited to but I think it’s gonna take some time and all. So Cami’s journey is going on Hiatus and in a way, my Wattpad will be too as it’s the only story I put on here. I will be writing other stuff(unless I procrastinate more XP) which again can be find on AO3, DA and Tumblr so if you wanna check out my other works or just wanna reach out, feel free to go on over and give them a look! 
          My AO3 is MonkeyBell853(99% of my works there are sfw but I have one work in particular that is nsfw and for 18+ only)
          My DeviantArt is MonkeyBell998(Sorta on a hiatus there too lol)
          I have two tumblr blogs. monkeybell for sfw and pg/pg-13 content. monkey-at-night for nsfw content and NOT for minors/people below 18
          Sorry about this. Trust me, it’s upsetting for me too as I love Cami’s journey so much and I will be updating it again one day. Take care y’all <3


            I see. I understand. Maybe you can use this time to come up new ideas for Cami's and her Pokémon's performance for her third Princess Key win and the Master Class's pokemon selection and their main performance to win their dream of becoming royal in Kalos!
            See you soon, hopefully! 


For Cami's third Princess Key win, how about having her perform on an open space stage?
          I definitely would love to see her and which Pokémon she'll use at a night's performance and the day's Theme Performance of Making a Pokepuff with Pokémon! 


            Good luck with that and also looking forward to how her third key look like! 


Don’t wanna spoil but Cami will be competing with open space/outdoor arenas :)


Check out the Pi-pi-pi-pi Pikachu song in YouTube.
          Polly could wear the cute costume those female Pikachus were wearing for the Pikachu episode and maybe have her and some female Pikachus that Frank own and put up a new Pokevision video about Pikachu musical. 


So readers, how was the latest chapter, Race for dreams? Any thoughts or comments? Please comment them! I’d love to hear. Hoping that I will be consistently posting chapters again but unfortunately, no guarantees but I will definitely do my best! As a special treat, I will say this, one of these chapters will have something major in them. What could it be? Any guesses? 
          -Enter Goomy
          -Goomy and the fairies
          -Ash vs Ramos
          -Pledging tree
          -Serena makes her debut


@Monkeybug0716 I pick all of them. These episodes are fun to watch especially the showcase! 


@Monkeybug0716 I have a feeling it could be either Pledging Tree or Serena makes her debut. I just have a feeling for those two :D


Hiya! Been a while, huh? Sorry for just dropping out. I got caught up in my hyperfixations and stuff. Gonna do my very best to start writing chapters again so I hope you look forward to them!


Don’t wanna spoil it. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be for a while and I won’t say the location so it’s a mystery 


@Monkeybug0716 if you're back then keep those chapters up and I want to know when Cami will get her third Princess key in which town. 


Hey! I just wanted to say that your Pokemon book inspired me to start writing my own! (I've been planning to write it for a year now but never got motivated) 
          And I wanted to ask if you could take a look at it?? 
          It's this one! You don't have to of course, but thanks!


Oh wow, that’s cool! I’m glad I could inspire you and I will definitely give it a read when I have the time :D


Hey. Been a while, huh? Turned 19 last month which is insane. Still on a writing hiatus. Haven’t been motivated to write lately and it’s safe to say I’m going through writers block. Hopefully it will be over soon as I love Cami’s journey with all of my heart and it hurts me that I have no motivation to continue it


That’s unfortunate 


Hiya! So I’m still obsessed with TWD and reading fanfiction so it’s safe to say Cami’s journey is on a hiatus of sorts. Also marked Kalos Quest complete because I saw some people saying non complete stories might get deleted? So since I don’t know when I’ll update it again, I’ll have it marked complete for the time being
          Hope y’all are doing well!


I’ve been neglecting Cami’s journey because of my walking dead obsession and the fact I made two OC’s and stories for walking dead. I’ll get back on the Cami’s journey train very soon! So sorry for the wait guys 
          Daryl Dixon is taking over my life currently