
Ya'll* sorry typo


Hi how's it going?


@LivingNomadic69 I bet it does, but I mean, he'll be back, so I guess all I can say is keep your head up as you know he'll be back. I apologize if it's generic or unhelpful.


@Monksanto I am trying my best to do other stuff but it still hurts


@LivingNomadic69, I'm sorry to hear that. Thats sucks, Please forgive me if I'm overstepping but have you tried maybe making a small change to your retuine or driving into something you used to like. I mean, when I'm feeling awful, that usually helps me—or trying to get into something new?


Welp, the Asa and Yoru oneshot is finally out (two months late). Sorry, college has been really rough on me. For the rest of my time in college, I will no longer be doing holiday specials (with maybe one exception..), so just a heads up for that. Anyway, thank you for being so patient with me; you'll be the best.


Hi there, do you have discord? If so may I friend you I'd love to talk with you


@Monksanto no problem! Your book is just so good that I had to ask


@Anthonycaudill958 I'm not interested in RP, but thank you for the offer.


@Monksanto also I wanted to friend you on discord because I like to make new friends, also I really love your book, do you roleplay by chance? I'm asking because if I was ever able to friend you on discord I'd wanna rp your aot book


Okay, everyone. I want to thank you for answering my questions yesterday. You gave me some excellent ideas. I also wanted to address something I got asked about by a friend yesterday; they asked me if I would ever tackle a normal book (Not a comic), and yeah, I would, but I would have to have read them first. So yeah if you have any books you'd like to see me tackle one day then yeah leave some suggestions.


@Monksanto oh ok i just thought it would be easy to follow the plot and add some references here and there


@LazyNorray @Hendrichalviola I read it a couple of years ago. It's good. I would have to reread it, though, so it would take me a little longer. I just wanted to be transparent.


@Monksanto oh yeah ready player one is good 


Hey everyone, so it's unimportant, and this doesn't have anything to do with my stuff here. This is just for a personal project (Which is not going on here). But does anyone know any cool mythical creatures/monsters or stuff like that? They can be from anywhere worldwide if they look cool or scary.


@Monksanto Beelzebub-Headless Horseman-Lilith-Hydra


@Monksanto onryo(like in the grudge), yokai and yurei(japanese demons and spirits), wendigo(native american cannibalistic spirit. There's a movie about it called "Antlers"), the beast of gévaudan(there's a movie about it too called "the cursed"), yaoguai(chinese myhtology monsters), Fenrir, sleipnir, the world serpent(big dog, horse and serpent from norse lore), Bahamut(big fish in Islamic literature), Leviathan(big fish in Jewish literature), Behemoth(Jewish mystical creature), Baphomet(mythical demon), Satanael.


@Monksanto the dog man from michigan,theres a song about him


Hey everyone, that Holiday special is coming along nicely. Again, sorry for taking so long to get it done, but depending on what happens, I could have it done in a few days if I don't do the lemon I initially had planned for it. So I just thought I should ask you to see how you feel. TL:DR Should I put in the lemon as initially planned or not put it in?


@Monksanto Keep the lemon in I have been waiting since December I can wait longer.


@Monksanto Put it in because I can guarantee you we have many makina lemons on this site and zero yora/asa so please don't skip the lemon because I know when you do makina there will be one.


I just tried out Marvel Rivals. It's pretty good so far, and I've been having fun. I would recommend it if you like hero shooters and are a fan of Marvel.


@sasukex1010 I personally like Marvel Rivals better (Just because I have a huge attachment to Marvel), but honestly, it really depends. I mean, I think Overwatch does some things better, and Rivals does some things better. For example, Overwatch has been around a lot longer and has more variety in modes and community, but I feel Rivals has better characters and art style. Some cool mechanics set it apart from other hero shooters. I would recommend giving Marvel Rivals a try if you have the chance. Ultimately, both are good, but I do like Rivals slightly better, but only because it's got characters I'm more attached to.


@Monksanto I have question about the game do you think it better than over watch 2 I play over watch I want to play marvel rivals but I don't have anyway to play it


Hey everyone, I had a really big scare last night, and I am going to be taking a bit more of a back seat on social media (including here). I'll still write and interact here; I'm just trying to be a lot more careful online, so I want to apologize if I seem distant (more distant than I already am). Anyway, sorry. I hope you all are good.


@Allmight810 I'm Hanging in there; thanks for asking.