
Currently working on re-writing my DSMP RWBY book and I just realized that Wilbur isn't a fan favorite anymore for valid reasons. I'm currently in a pickle. I don't want to change the plot too much but I also don't want to get canceled by people who don't know that the book was written in 2021/2022


Currently working on re-writing my DSMP RWBY book and I just realized that Wilbur isn't a fan favorite anymore for valid reasons. I'm currently in a pickle. I don't want to change the plot too much but I also don't want to get canceled by people who don't know that the book was written in 2021/2022


Hopefully a company that knows what they are doing buys RWBY. It's probably RTs only profitable show


@MonocleGentlesir I for one liked the crossover movies. As predictable as the plot was, the only good things about them was that they referenced the games as Semi-Canon, because they'll never reference the games in the actual show, and that they showed the future by revealing what Team RWBY was up to in Vacuo. We got to see Vacuo, which was long awaited seeing as how we saw 3 of the 4 Kingdoms and their respective academies, right? But I agree that they have to prioritize the actual show.


@Silver_Spider889 by company that knows what they are doing I mean a company that's willing to hire most the people from RT to run the show. I mostly want a company that won't prioritize crappy crossover movies over the actual show itself


@MonocleGentlesir I disagree about the whole "a company that knows what they are doing buys RWBY" bit. RT's animations have, clearly, been getting better and the fact that the show is as big as it is, in terms of plot, only goes to show the future potential of growth for RWBY and how grand the plot may become.


Man … I still remember one of your first books … I believe it was a DRM SMP x RWBY FanFic … I just wanted to say to the community and the writer, thank you for giving me an everlasting experience with the book you’ve written, and I hope to see many more amazing works from you in the future. Thank you and have a blessed day.


I just realized how impactful I can make the reader in my stories. I basically am removing a canon relationship because of my altering something else causing a domino effect that removes any logical reasoning for these two characters to ever get together


Rest In Peace to Bray Wyatt. Although it's too demonic for my tastes now The Fiend was the character that truly made me love wrestling. The horror under the guise of media for kids is a thing I love. The Firefly Funhouse and DDLC are two things that pull this off perfectly.


Agreed bro, R.I.P Bray Wyatt


I'm going to drop two stories simultaneously that exist in parallel universes. Like the reader is the exact same character but a choice that a side character makes will make the B book essentially completely different from the A book


@MonocleGentlesir so basically 2 stories one on the good side one on the bad side?


Giving a heads up, I'm unpublishing most of my stories. This is temporary so that I can rewrite them. The main plots will stay the same but stuff like profanity and harems are going to be removed.


@MonocleGentlesir you gotta add The Hurricane, his whole thing was he's a superhero, also I respect that decision, but i still think a love interest would be interesting 


@Raccoongod65 I was considering and may even still write in real wrestlers as heroes but I wouldn't want to make a ship with a real person. Even though someone like Asuka isn't really Asuka in real life it's still kinda weird to me


Also for XY I know you said there might not be a love interest but like you could add another wrestler for the love interest 


Roman Reigns reads my stories? He did a segment on smackdown and did something very similar to what I had the reader do in XY


@MonocleGentlesir hm neat, I don't want wwe anymore so I wouldn't know


@Raccoongod65 in a chapter I posted about a month ago I had the reader tell Endeavor to acknowledge him but he interrupted himself and eventually told the whole world to acknowledge him because I wanted to reference Roman Reigns. Last Night on Smackdown he told Pennsylvania to acknowledge him but he interrupted himself and then told the whole universe to acknowledge him 


@Kale309 current Undisputed WWE Universal Champion