
this message may be offensive
Don't  followed me in the first place if you just gonna unfollowed me afterwards.  I don't  like a fake ass bitch.
          	Sorry for the harsh words. But i just want to say it since some of people really messing with me. They ask me to follow them back on Dm and then later she just unfollowed me. Or maybe they just followed me but then they unfollowed me afterwards  like BITCH THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! 
          	bitch like i don't  fucking now you're nasty thing you have done to me.smh. that person really need some help
          	And thank you for all of you who follows me!  I appreciate it 


@MonstKuki know your* this auto correct always ruin my words,smh


Can u please update on ur other account and continue writing spectrofillia please ik there is writing that slow updates but it's been 3 years unnie and I can't handle it anymore.....don't tryna be rude but if u r stressed then sorry....BTW lots of love from Bangladesh 


this message may be offensive
Don't  followed me in the first place if you just gonna unfollowed me afterwards.  I don't  like a fake ass bitch.
          Sorry for the harsh words. But i just want to say it since some of people really messing with me. They ask me to follow them back on Dm and then later she just unfollowed me. Or maybe they just followed me but then they unfollowed me afterwards  like BITCH THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! 
          bitch like i don't  fucking now you're nasty thing you have done to me.smh. that person really need some help
          And thank you for all of you who follows me!  I appreciate it 


@MonstKuki know your* this auto correct always ruin my words,smh


OMG BTS just won  'Artist of the Year' and 2 other Category's!!!  
          Wanna One just won 2 category's!!! 
          I'm literally crying rn , i can't hold my tears TvT 
          Anyway Congrats for EXO and the others that won!! You all just making your Idols proud and your idols are making you proud too!!  
          Let's fly with our WING's in 2018 chingy~ 


@MonstKuki i mean chingu XD 