Dear readers and followers I have decided to make a Avatar story here is the plot and let me know if you would like to help
After the fall of Avatar Korra. The equalists have completed their goal. The art of bending has been lost and forgotten. Until 1,000 years later the new Avatar has been born as a Earth bender. After 15 year long years she had mastered the elements due to training in the spirit world with the Avatars of the past. Now she leads a army of benders against the equality. Now the war is over and the Avatar has followed in Fire Lord Ozai and has taken control over the whole world commanding each and every bender. But there is hope four benders of each element has left the ranks of the Avater army and each is learning the screats in witch hides in their bending. Will these band of benders defeat the Avater and free the world from her or will they fall to the Avater hands.