
I love your writing :') I wish I could say more but I'm brain dead but nonetheless YOU'RE A FANTASTIC WRITER 


you should write more books. trust that I'll be your number one fan :)


@banana_obssession thank you so much!  I've really enjoyed writing these stories and I'm so thankful anyone reads them and thinks they're good!


Hello Author-chan. I just read your Kacchako fanfic and it is undeniably great. I mean, the story was just so put into place, and the words used were like the perfect words that should be in that scene. You are a great writer. I hope to read more of your work. If I may suggest, how about a Kacchako fanfic without a quirk. Thank you for reading this comment and suggestion. God bless you.


I just finished reading hot head and I have to say... you desTTROYED me with the long chapters and the work you put into them. Everything had sssuch a good flow and I enjoyed it so much. The storyline, the plot it’s WAS AMAzing!! ahajshjs I CANT GET ENOUGH OF IT! But I gotta mention this the costume party they had with katsuki showing up and having to lick her boot. tHATS legIT so GOOOd!! That’s my fav part. Idk how u did it it was amazing. Hope you the best of days like how you’ve made my days while I was reading it! Lots of love, me✌️✌️


@11BeenHurt11 Thank you so much for reading and loving it! I really enjoyed writing it and I'm glad it made your days better 


Hot-headed** sorry