hey, it's been forever since I logged on here, but i figured i should say hi since you were a large part of my life in middle school lol. i hope you're doing well and maybe we can reconnect if you check this account again :)
Reading List
So at this rate I'm probably not gonna return to Wattpad because life has been tumultuous as heck lately, and I just can't squeeze in the time to write and read as often as I'd like anymore. Perhaps I might come back to here one day, but for now, this be goodbye. Wattpad was so much fun and kept me entertained throughout the hard times, and I'm eternally grateful to those who read what I wrote, and forever impressed by those who kept updating through hard times and always dedicating themself to the quality of their beautiful stories. Anyway I don't want to keep ignoring the app, basically the resolution is that I'll miss y'all but right now I can't keep up with it. If you want my insta, just DM me and we can keep in contact, I'm happy to keep in contact there. Anyway, I'll miss you all, and keep writing your amazing stories :)
@Moogleaxelea bye bye hope to see you up and writting again on day, love your so riku stuff ^_^
@Moogleaxelea goodbye. I hope to see you come back someday, your writing is phenomenal.
hey, it's been forever since I logged on here, but i figured i should say hi since you were a large part of my life in middle school lol. i hope you're doing well and maybe we can reconnect if you check this account again :)
So at this rate I'm probably not gonna return to Wattpad because life has been tumultuous as heck lately, and I just can't squeeze in the time to write and read as often as I'd like anymore. Perhaps I might come back to here one day, but for now, this be goodbye. Wattpad was so much fun and kept me entertained throughout the hard times, and I'm eternally grateful to those who read what I wrote, and forever impressed by those who kept updating through hard times and always dedicating themself to the quality of their beautiful stories. Anyway I don't want to keep ignoring the app, basically the resolution is that I'll miss y'all but right now I can't keep up with it. If you want my insta, just DM me and we can keep in contact, I'm happy to keep in contact there. Anyway, I'll miss you all, and keep writing your amazing stories :)
@Moogleaxelea bye bye hope to see you up and writting again on day, love your so riku stuff ^_^
@Moogleaxelea goodbye. I hope to see you come back someday, your writing is phenomenal.
Hello friendo! Just poppin in to say hello, and ask how your day's been? ^-^
**HIGHLY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, PLEASE READ** Hi guys, I'm sorry I've been away for a while. Unfortunately I've not been motivated to read all your amazing books at all, because I'm behind on so many and it's gotten to the point it's overwhelming and I can't even bring myself to write either because I feel bad I'm not reading your books. This has been building for quite some time. I love Wattpad but for the past month I've been on the verge of deleting it, too overwhelmed by everything. I got to the point over the last week that I hated seeing the app on my phone. But I have so many friends here now, and I'd hate to lose you all. So instead I have a solution that I may lose readers and followers for, but it has to be done or else I risk not coming back here, and I'd miss you so much if I did that. Soooo I'm removing absolutely everything from my reading list. Starting from scratch if you will. If you want me to read/catch up on your books, leave a maximum of 3 in the replies per person, and I will continue reading those, add them back to my reading list and catch up as quick as I can, with the first in, best dressed. There will be some I will likely read no matter if they're put down or not, but I would like you to make it easy for me and list them anyway. You have a week to leave the books you want read, and a week longer for those I know may not have access to steady internet. There are also comments that still need replying to and I'll do that too, soon. Your support and love means the world to me, and I hope you can list what you want me to read. If you're seeing this I probably love all that you've posted, but I need to limit myself. I'm sorry for my absence, and I love you all so much, for real <3
@Moogleaxelea you're welcome! And thanks for calling my writing fantastic, you literally make my day every time. Take care of yourself, mental health is important
@Moogleaxelea You’re welcome. :D All right, I probably will. If I don’t then you can pick the third thing-
Hello, friendo! It seems like it's been a while since we last spoke! Just wanted to pop in and say hi ^-^
Just wanted to pop in and say hello! ^^
@Moogleaxelea I literally loved it more that words could say- It was awesome :3
Hello, I have a recommendation! Do you like witches? You seem like you do- Do you like gay ships? Of course you do! Do you like cartoons, fiction, magic, fluffy ships, other worlds and a series chock full of angst? Of course ya do! Then I reccomend: The Owl House! It's on a temporary hiatus, since there's two parts to season 2, but it's all good, we(the fandom) are somehow managing. It's on Disney+, and Theowlclub.net though that website could be Theowlhouse.net. Put those in your browser if you don't have Disney Channel or Disney+! Hope ya like it! <3
@KingdomWolfCos I've watched the first four episodes! I don't usually watch shows like that so it was fun and interesting! I'm still waiting for my fluffy gay stuff to show up tho XD
Percy Jackson/Genshin fans, may I have your attention for my usual inconsistent shower thought, please and thank you. So each of the Percy Jackson seven correspond to a Vision element in Genshin Impact, and here's what I've come up with; Percy = Hydro (for obvious reasons) Annabeth = Dendro (because the Dendro Archon is basically the god of wisdom and what could suit her better? Also plants, i.e Dendro, needs water, i.e Hydro to survive and the fuels my Percabeth heart XD) Jason = Electro (again, obvious) Leo = Pyro (how much more obvious can you get? XD) Piper = Anemo (she is probably the most freedom driven character, not to mention Anemo 'controls' the battle field and other elements, see my link to charmspeak?) Hazel = Geo (Archon makes money, what does Hazel do? Unearth valuable materials. Also she controls the earth such as underground tunnels) Frank = Cryo (This was the leftover element but it works because he's a lot like Ganyu, he's hard working and has animal features, so it fits) ...Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, you may go back to what you were doing XD
Hello friend- I dunno if you saw, but I approved of your request to make a Rokrux fic for me! ^^ I also had a small request for it, if you'll accept: Could you incorporate Roxas's love for astrology/stars, and Ikrux's fascination with dragons? >w<
@KingdomWolfCos I love Wattpad so much but I can never scrounge up the motivation to read or write when I'd like to... Its just the ADHD taking over, and with it is the incredibly inability to do anything without a sudden burst of energy that comes like monthly... So basically the opposite of how you go about Wattpad XD
@Moogleaxelea thanks! And it's fine- I'm just always constantly on Wattpad writing, meaning that there isn't a day that I'm not working on something. And I just assume that people do that, but my autistic brain probably just tells me to do it, so dvdkfmfnf
@KingdomWolfCos No I didn't see it, I haven't been on Wattpad much in days-- But I did make an outline for my fic for you. And I'll be sure to incorporate that for you :) And it's kinda funny how your Roxas loves stars and I've always headcanoned it to be thing that the four good Sora's (i.e Roxas, Ven, Sora and Xion) love for the longest time- Anyway I'll get to writing and also catching up with your story, and replying to comments. Sorry for my absence and much love <3
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