
I finished the first chapter of my book guys! I will be uploading it sometime today!


Hey guys I have risen from the dead! I know I have'nt been on in a while and (hopefully) you guys have been worried/impatient. I have just the craziest schedule what with all my rehearsals and dance classes do bear with me! I am writing a story and it just has taken me a while to get the first chapter done. I promise I will be on a little bit more often!
          Kay. peace be a penguin


Once again I'm still alive! I know I have not been on lately! STill working on a book do NOT worry k?


@Moojichaw947  I'm not worrying... I'm freaking out!! Lol hurry, you're being missed! I loved your works! <33


@Moojichaw947 Hey BAE! ;-)  I know I see you everyday but I miss talking in you in the afternoon!  I need ma textin buddy! :'(  tear. Oh and remember The # 7<3


@Moojichaw947  its okay gurl I totally understand!


hi sweetie! was wondering if you could check out my two stories, My Glorious Sunset and Hopelessly Hoping and tell me how it is? pretty plz? it my first attempt at writing and yeah.. .
          plz and thanx,
          have a good day


@Silenced_Heart  I will this weekend ok? I only can get on the computer every now and then darling. Thanks and I can't  wait to check out your book!


Hey my lovely penguins and potatoes! I apologia for the extreme absence I've had! Sadly my life is really busy right now and I probally can get on the computer on the weekends ;( I AM WORKING ON A NEW BOOK AND I PROMISE IT WILL BE AMAZING! My other books have all been mediocre at best. I have infested a lot of time into making a plot, story line,diolouge. I am by no means any way near 'finished' the book,hell not even done the first chapter. I'm taking it slow in the hopes I can get this book published! I am not announceing the title yet but I'll send out a mesage to all of you when I  upload the cover! By then it will only be a few days till the release of chapter one! It will have Harry,Zayn,Niall i'm not sure on Louis and Liam yet I'm still weaving the plot together and such. I got the idea during science class and started writeing all over my paper in excitement.....well peace eat some nutella sorry for uber long message!


@Moojichaw947 Just do what you gotta do!!=D <3


@Infinite_pi_  Thanks! Sorry abiut the demons inside! I might put it up again but i'm not sure. Thanks for the support! ;)


@Moojichaw947 Take your time!! Can't wait for the new story!! jdkjedfrndjkdeehjf