
Hey yall!! I'm working on a brand new story about Descendants characters Mal and Carlos, also known as Marlos! I also wanted to say I'm so sad about the tragic death of Cameron Boyce, who played Carlos from Descendants, A character from Jessie named Luke, and many more. RIP Cameron Boyce. God bless you all!


Hey yall!! I'm working on a brand new story about Descendants characters Mal and Carlos, also known as Marlos! I also wanted to say I'm so sad about the tragic death of Cameron Boyce, who played Carlos from Descendants, A character from Jessie named Luke, and many more. RIP Cameron Boyce. God bless you all!


For those going through tough times and feel not loved, remember John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. God loves you and always will! If you are doubting your relationship with him, look at my book, Moonbli oneshots, the chapter: Why God is better, so you can see some of the ways that God is so good that I couldn't possibly put it into words.
          God bless you all, -Harleigh 


I disided to not make that chapter, so just message me


Hey, yall!! I wanted to give a shout out to @SebbieTheTherian for being my first follower! And also: I need some dragonet names for Moonbli's kid! I am working on a story that I will hopefully post soon! Love the Lord your God with your heart, mind, soul, and strength! Give glory to your father in heaven! He sent his only son for you! Bye!!!!


I like it! I thought of sandstorm too lol  


@MoonAndQibli  Awww thx!!! For names:
            A more SANDWING looking dragonet: Sandstorm
            A more NIGHTWING looking dragonet: Darkness
            An equal looking dragonet: Darksand