Alright, real question, does anyone ever read a fanfiction, or comic, or watch a show or movie, and if your favorite character(s) are in danger emotionally, mentally, or physically, some part of your body just hurts a lot, like if I was reading a fiction about ROTTMNT Raph or Donnie, where either of them get hurt, then it feels like a punch to the gut, my wrists just throb with pain, or just constant pain in a certain area, because like, last night, I watched a character I got attached to get impaled to save another of my favorite characters, he was a robot so he was fixed but still, I couldn't feel anything but pain, who knows, maybe my craziness has gotten the better of me and granted, I've always been the weird one in my friend groups or in my family, but it's just weird to me, and I was wondering if it happens to anyone else or if I'm weird or crazy enough to think that I have a stronger emotional and mental connection to characters from a show, movie, comic, or youtube series.

@NineTailedLover Thank you for responding, I'm very glad that I am not alone in this world :)

@MoonKaiRune and I can relate I’m the weirdest one in my family and friend group so I thought the same thing as you whenever I watched something and one of my fav’s got hurt or killed and there would be strange pain I thought no one else in the world could relate so thank you for this. Weirdos for life lol