
For everyone who reads out Headmate smutfics, there's gonna be a delay on the next few chapters,  a headmate commissioned me 3 whole fics and I can't show em till they're all done, I'll try to work fast , ty for your patience - Regzy (aka the fanfic writer)


For everyone who reads out Headmate smutfics, there's gonna be a delay on the next few chapters,  a headmate commissioned me 3 whole fics and I can't show em till they're all done, I'll try to work fast , ty for your patience - Regzy (aka the fanfic writer)


Hi long time no see
          So as to most of you know, Omy was out host, she has gone d0rmant and I'm not the new host till she gets back, hi, I'm Venti
          There's a lot of new people you guys haven't met. Sorry if we don't reply for a long time, we're hardly on here