          	Hey guys!!  I posted the prologue for my book already! Petrov Timofey will be posted later!! So add this book to your reading list because I'm back in writing!! My permanent account (lydiafedward)


I'm the author of (Petrov Timofey), and I deleted it due to the hate and adversity I received. But now, after two year, I've found the courage to return to what I love. I've learned that negativity can make you stronger, and now, I'm ready to share my words with the world again, and I hope you'll join me on this journey.  I won't be active on this account any longer due to technical problems it gives me when logging in, when posting a chapter, it's very annoying as hell. I'll be posting all my book in my new account (lydiafedward). THIS account Is going to be an active account where all my books will be posted and guess what, Petrov Timofey will be released with or without editing. So guys you can search up (lydiafedward) and you'll find me there 


Two years ago, I stopped writing due to hurtful criticisms that led me to delete all of my stories. Now, I have found the courage to return to my passion✨. Challenges have made me stronger, and I am excited to share my stories again. Thank you for your unwavering support. I am the author of the story Petrov Timofey.


this message may be offensive
Hi guys!!!!
          My life has been hella crazy recently!!! Been off and on. I have been so busy and I had no time to come on Wattpad. Unfortunately, I lost access to my account for months, lost my email and forget my password, so last week, I recovered them and I have never been so happy!!! If you guys still Remember me, I'm the author of Petrov Timofey!! Petrov Timofey is still under heavy editing in my draft, the reason it's taking up so much time is because I'm the one editing it for myself and still, it still looks like shit!! I could never edit it and I'm so stressed. 


Update ; 
          Hello, I'm deeply sorry for not updating since a month. I haven't been feeling well, and I've been so busy lately. 


@lydiafedward it's okay sweetheart, take care of yourself ❤️


Why did u delete ur other book??


@MahwashAziz because I needed to focus on Petrov Timofey. Alot of people waited for the book. If I were to write two books, the updates will be super slow and I don't want that. Petrov Timofey 1/2 will take me three months to upload back on Wattpad, so it wouldn't be long until I bring back the other one. ^⁠_⁠^