
I'm so sorry that it's been so incredibly long since I've posted anything, not even a lil poem. We had quite a few family health issues amongst my brother, myself (I had 3 hospital stays last year) & my FIL. He unfortunately passed from cancer & other health complications about 14 months ago.
          	I was so run down & exhausted that I didn't do much of anything hobby wise I enjoyed - writing or my graphics - for months. I've just started getting a love back for it all again as well as feeling well enough so I promise, I'll have something to update over the next few weeks.


I'm so sorry that it's been so incredibly long since I've posted anything, not even a lil poem. We had quite a few family health issues amongst my brother, myself (I had 3 hospital stays last year) & my FIL. He unfortunately passed from cancer & other health complications about 14 months ago.
          I was so run down & exhausted that I didn't do much of anything hobby wise I enjoyed - writing or my graphics - for months. I've just started getting a love back for it all again as well as feeling well enough so I promise, I'll have something to update over the next few weeks.


Been a long time since I've felt well enough to do anything other than the day to day things but thankfully, I've gotten stable enough (other than catching every infection that does the rounds) to get back to some of the things I enjoy doing (writing being one). The weather's hitting the point where I'm going to be housebound for the colder months over the next couple of weeks so hoping that give it a couple of weeks I'll finally have an update of something :)


Finally, an update!!
          For the first time in months, I've been able to write a bit & actually post something. I'm hoping that as the weather improves towards summer, I'll feel more motivated & well enough to enjoy it much more.
          Health wise, I'm stabalised for the moment as much as I can be. All my issues unfortunately come back to my hashimoto's (an autoimmune disease that attacks your body & organs) so when I flare ups I'm pretty useless seeing my main issues are with my muscles, skin & chest. I'm very lucky to have some great doctors and an awesome family that help during those frustrating times. I'm just coming off my most recent flare up.
          Either way, I'm back & will hopefully be able to write/post more at least for the next few months until we hit the cold & rain again though I have no idea how the extreme heat will hit me, but hopefully not too bad :)


Dropping in to say that I'm so sorry it's been so long since my last update. After I was sick last year, I've been to specialists, in & out of hospital twice, to my GP etc.... The plus was they figured out my issues weren't arthritis related. Right now, they're leaning towards fibromyalgia (I unfortunately suffer from a lot of chest infections & inflammation with it too as well as sinus problems) but they're still testing out meds and doing tests before they decide on anything.
          So I haven't had much to time to write or felt well enough to. I'm having a good stretch at the moment so I'm hoping to get a little bit done before we hit winter so I can share some more & make a few posts.


Just did a big chapter update :)
          Had meant to post it about 3 weeks ago but I've been out of order.
          We had a death in the family & I'm just coming off almost 4 weeks being sick (a chest infection & then pleurisy).
          Hopefully, there will be more to come soon :)


I'm soooo sorry that it's been so long in between posts for me.
          It's been a really rough 6/7 months family wise with a death in the family, someone else terminally ill, a ton of us sick (including my youngest brother who spent 90% of May in hospital & had surgery a couple of weeks ago) & the cherry on top with my poor hubby losing his job.
          I've taken the time to sort through some of my old writting stuff & had a good break (even though I missed it all) & will hopefully have some new poetry/chapters to update with in the next couple of weeks :)


Thanks so much everyone for hanging in there with me :)
          I'm pleased to say there's going to be some major updates over the next couple of weeks.
          Now that the family stuff has all settled down & after 6 months of tests/specialists I have a confirmed medical diagnose for my own issues, I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. The main thing being the insomnia & fatigue I was constantly stuck with dwindling to enough where I've been able to get more sleep enough so the brain is working & thinking again lol
          So there are updates coming for pretty much everything & I've even been thinking off the idea of getting around to expanding my short story, 'Family Blood' like a few have asked me to :)


I've got some updates coming over the next few days/weekend for just about everything :) Been caught up since I got back from our holiday break but things have been settling down again & giving me some more free time.
          Also, for the fans, I'd love to know what you particularly love to read so I can focus on those ones in process first :) You guys have been so patient & I really appreciate it.


Sorry it was a slow April everyone :)
          RL kind of railroaded me with birthdays, Easter, my hubby being in hospital (all well now thank goodness) and the my MIL's new hubby getting rushed in over the Easter weekend with heart issues.
          Things are slowing down again now so should hopefully have some updates soon :)