
@fluffysocks27 I am English, and used to watch corrie actually, but yeah again I'm really sorry, even the pet unicorn will probably be disappointed at not being able to grant those wishes. I'm glad you enjoyed the non-cliffhanger chapters though!


I started reading your story "no ordinary fan fiction..." and it's absolutely brilliant! I like how you combined many different fan fics into one story! Although, I'd really like to know what happens next so could you update? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Shannkksss ^_^


@MoonShoes_DC  You just brutally raped and murdered my hopes and dreams:'(. But I suppose  if its school stuff you don't really have a choice. I just feel like I'm watching some tv show, take corrie for example (it's English so if your not English then think of a show that constantly ends in cliffhangers) and the episode ends on a big cliffhanger and then the writers go on strike and you will never know what happens to all the characters:'(. Well it's not really that bad but if you update then my pet unicorn will grant you three wishes!