
Hello!! I honestly cannot believe it's been almost 3 years since I've last updated anything on here; time passes so quickly! It's so awsome that 41 people liked my crappy works from years ago to follow me during that time, which was admittedly not long ago as much as it feels like a decade has passed. Though I did unpublish all of my works in a horrendous flash of shame, I did want to post a quick announcement to the perhaps two people that still check this account that, as I've since updated in my bio, I likely won't post much on this account unless it's something from Ao3 that I decided to cross-post on here. All in all, this is just me saying that I'm still alive and crawl out of bed to write every once in a while. I hope you all have a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, or night. Please make sure to get enough rest and drink tons of water! ♡
          	(looking at all of my old ships makes me want to explode omg i'm a whole new person at this point wtf)


Hello!! I honestly cannot believe it's been almost 3 years since I've last updated anything on here; time passes so quickly! It's so awsome that 41 people liked my crappy works from years ago to follow me during that time, which was admittedly not long ago as much as it feels like a decade has passed. Though I did unpublish all of my works in a horrendous flash of shame, I did want to post a quick announcement to the perhaps two people that still check this account that, as I've since updated in my bio, I likely won't post much on this account unless it's something from Ao3 that I decided to cross-post on here. All in all, this is just me saying that I'm still alive and crawl out of bed to write every once in a while. I hope you all have a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, or night. Please make sure to get enough rest and drink tons of water! ♡
          (looking at all of my old ships makes me want to explode omg i'm a whole new person at this point wtf)


Okay, So I know that I have been inactive for like, over a year but I have good reason. I sort of maybe kind of had major writer's block that year and only just had a random insporation rush. SO, rn I'm coming out with like 5 new stories. Maybe you saw the one about Soul, idk. I'm gonna come out with the following ship fic soon:
          Whitty x Ruv
          Shuichi x Kokichi
          Hajime x Nagito
          Kid x Soul
          There will also be a one-shot request book for all of those ships and probably more.
          But I'm sorry for taking a year-long break without telling y'all. But I'm back.


sobbing, i can't believe this was me (p.s. nothing wrong woth these ships, i just find it odd considering how different i am now)


I have been BOOPED!
          BOOP *boops your nose*
          Now you can boop 10 people.
          Have fun!




@LimeAndMenace  Yes, I CAN FEEL THE       P O W E R .


Hey so on the vsco and girl one is there also a soft girl and if there is I would like to promote this and tell my friends on discord so maybe we can make this voice acted if you want


@Arisenpaixx My name is TANIA OwO


@Arisenpaixx sure, I made a discord accout out of curiosity so yee. There IS a soft girl on my channel so yes ofcourse! I would love to hear it!