
I seriously need to update my stories, it's been like a month since I did anything...


hhhh I have like fifty things to do in school, and this digital art software has deleted my stuff like ten times so i'm like, rushing, to get stuff done?? and i have traditional gifts to do that I needed to start today but nope ;D
          idk for sure but i might take a break from a lot of things when i get stuff sorted, but on the other side of the coin writing really de-stresses me so i might be more active here?


I just had to comment on this because, just, hahaha. Not sure who this person is, but to the guy on the news who just made my day: oh my lord. 
          So they're talking about this article about dressing a child up as Moana (character from an amazing movie) being racist. Let me say, whoever wrote that is so in the wrong it's funny because that movie is the most cultural, beautiful thing I've seen in years. So this dude on the news goes on a rant and ends it saying, I kid you not;
          "I'd dress up as one of these (website) editors for Halloween but we already have enough Zombies walking around."
          I'm dead.


I think that once SS2 is finished I'm going to dedicate my time here on Wattpad to two things (besides my art scroll). I'm definitely still working on my fantribe (which I'm super excited about), but I also got this idea for a sort of sequel to SS2 focused on Firefly, except it's probably not gonna be Glorybringer-centered. I learned my lesson about rushing through shipping stories *cough* DT *cough*, so I'm gonna take more time before I go straight into another one of those.


          I am SO sorry for not posting in like, a month, even though I said I'd be posting on May 22. I do all of my writing through the Wattled app on my phone, but right now, I don't have a phone to use. Hopefully before the end of the month I'll be able to post three-four new Daybreak Rebellion parts. Again, I am sorry for not being active!
          Thank you all for your support on my stories!


Next SS2 part coming out today, sorry for taking an entire week...
          Anyways, it's actually my birthday! (it's probably completely wrong in my settings) So, I'll be having a nice day and I hope everyone else's is just as good!
          Also, thanks for hitting 700 reads on SS, you all are so awesome for making that happen!!!


@MoonbackTheNightwing Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Moonback, happy birthday to you