
Happy 200 followers!! Thank you all so much for the support it brings me sm joy Here to announce I’ve got some other pages too…
          	(I also have a AO3 account but nothing is posted, feel free to subscribe, I’m under the same name as here!)
          	I’ve only posted stories on here, but Tumblr allows for questions so feel free to send me any!  (Within reason ofc) :)


Happy 200 followers!! Thank you all so much for the support it brings me sm joy Here to announce I’ve got some other pages too…

          (I also have a AO3 account but nothing is posted, feel free to subscribe, I’m under the same name as here!)
          I’ve only posted stories on here, but Tumblr allows for questions so feel free to send me any!  (Within reason ofc) :)


Hello everyone, I'm back! So sorry for the long hiatus, been feeling uninspired to write recently and school is tough. Since I'm coming back with a bunch of work on my plate, let me know which one of my stories you want me to update the most! Please and thank you (●'◡'●)


Glad you’re back! Mob book ^^


@Moonblaze_14 I'm glad you're back!!


Helloo! May i ask will you do a part 2 for "second chance"?(sk8)


@moeww_theghostt  alright thanks for replying!:)


@moeww_theghostt Hi! Sorry for the long wait on a response! But yes, I do plan on making a second part to ‘Second Chance’ thought it may take some time. Thank you for being patient and I’ll make sure to keep updating soon :)


I hope you're ok please reply if you are, this is very selfish of me but when are u going to update new slate? No pressure and I'm sorry this is selfish of but I just wanted to ask. I hope you're ok 


@denkisfuckhole sorry for the late reply but ify no pressure I was just asking focus on your studies for awhile❤ (cause I keep procrastinating ) 


@denkisfuckhole Thank you for checking in on me! I am doing all right but school has been holding me back from posting I have however been slowly writing some things for New Slate so I'll be updating real soon :) I hope you're doing alright as well and can wait just a little longer for the next part to come out!❤️