I HAVE OFFICIALLY... run out of books to read. Please, please, please does anyone have any mystery/thriller book suggestions??? I'm desperate!!
I started reading the Inheritance Games a few days ago, I finished the first book yesterday and have now moved on to the second book- The Hawthorne's Legacy. Also I went to the library with a friend a while ago, she suggested I read this book called Death Stranding. Later, another friend told me that it was based off a video game- that was surprising... Anyway, I just wanted to say, if you are the type of reader for murder mysteries, mythology, historical fiction or romance, DO NOT READ DEATH STRANDING. Earlier today I had nothing to do so I went to read it and I could. Not. Focus. Usually I can read for hours on end, but this book just completely made me give up. So don't read it unless you are a HUGE dystopian fan. If anyone does want to know more about this book, though, I'm happy to send a link of the book so you know what to look for. -sym
Any more? Like @BellatheFKandCfan said, I love AGGGTM, but I recently finished it so I need more murder mysteries!!