
I have a favour I need to ask from someone-
          	I’ve been trying to reread the Keeper Of The Lost Cities series and I’ve found all of them so far online but I can’t find books 6(Nightfall), 8(Legacy), 8.5(Unlocked), or 9(Stellarlune). If anyone knows somewhere that I could find them for free online, that would be amazing and I will vote on every one of your books you have if you can do this (or whatever else you want, and I mean it)
          	Thank you all for even reading this, cause I know I haven’t been active at all and I promise I am trying to update books but I’ve just have writers block for so long and hopefully once I finish rereading the kotlc series I can start another chapter for the kotlc fanfic book I have.
          	Thanks again everyone!<3


@Militarymenlowkey- thank you for replying, but it’s ok now I found the books I needed eventually


@Moonlark34 I don't know about free online books, but there are plenty of cheap to buy apps, that have them. Kindle?


I have a favour I need to ask from someone-
          I’ve been trying to reread the Keeper Of The Lost Cities series and I’ve found all of them so far online but I can’t find books 6(Nightfall), 8(Legacy), 8.5(Unlocked), or 9(Stellarlune). If anyone knows somewhere that I could find them for free online, that would be amazing and I will vote on every one of your books you have if you can do this (or whatever else you want, and I mean it)
          Thank you all for even reading this, cause I know I haven’t been active at all and I promise I am trying to update books but I’ve just have writers block for so long and hopefully once I finish rereading the kotlc series I can start another chapter for the kotlc fanfic book I have.
          Thanks again everyone!<3


@Militarymenlowkey- thank you for replying, but it’s ok now I found the books I needed eventually


@Moonlark34 I don't know about free online books, but there are plenty of cheap to buy apps, that have them. Kindle?


Merry Christmas guys!


@Moonlark34 merry christmas!!!!


@Moonlark34 you're welcome ❤️✨


Ok so I’m not American but everyone who voted for Trump, I’m disgusted by you. You voted for a leader because it was better to have everything that people have fought for gone? Women’s rights, lgbtq+ rights gone, etc, all for cheaper gas, less immigrants and a white male leader? Wow, well done. Great job y’all. Truly amazing. Now you can tell your children “I was a part of a very historical moment in America, although it did destroy the country’s people and also kinda ruined the areas surrounding America because of the amazing orange dude who decided to be a racist, sexist idiot. Cool, right?” No. Not cool. So don’t try to justify your decision, it was the wrong one.
          I’m aware I’m going to get hate for this, but this is my choice and I feel very strongly about this. Thank you


@Her_Royal_Slytherin ik!! Like there surely can’t be a brain, so the only logical solution is compressed air….


@Moonlark34 Really, some people are so stupid I wonder what their head is full of


@snorlabxja same… good luck to all Americans 


Hey there fellow bookworm! You just did one of the greatest things ever- thanks a bunch for dropping the follow—you're the sprinkle on my sundae! Remember to never be normal, buckle your seatbelts, don't anger the Gods (especially Zeus) and enjoy the ride! <3☆༘⋆•♡▪︎~(*≧∀≦)人(≧∀≦*)♪
          Привет, книжный червь! Ты только что сделал одно из лучших дел на свете — спасибо тебе огромное за подписку — ты посыпка на моем мороженом! Не забывай никогда не быть нормальным, пристегни ремни безопасности, не гневи богов (особенно Зевса) и наслаждайся поездкой! <3☆༘⋆•♡▪︎~(*≧∀≦)人(≧∀≦*)


Hi! You’re welcome, and I shall do everything you said! :)