I have a favour I need to ask from someone- I’ve been trying to reread the Keeper Of The Lost Cities series and I’ve found all of them so far online but I can’t find books 6(Nightfall), 8(Legacy), 8.5(Unlocked), or 9(Stellarlune). If anyone knows somewhere that I could find them for free online, that would be amazing and I will vote on every one of your books you have if you can do this (or whatever else you want, and I mean it) Thank you all for even reading this, cause I know I haven’t been active at all and I promise I am trying to update books but I’ve just have writers block for so long and hopefully once I finish rereading the kotlc series I can start another chapter for the kotlc fanfic book I have. Thanks again everyone!<3

@Militarymenlowkey- thank you for replying, but it’s ok now I found the books I needed eventually

@Moonlark34 I don't know about free online books, but there are plenty of cheap to buy apps, that have them. Kindle?