
Ik ik there was supposed to be a chapter today ans belive me when I say that I have been writing it but unfortunately I am sitting infront of it and haven't really written anything for the last 2 days. 
          	I have the plot in my mind, like where imwamt this story to go but I am not able to covert them into words and if it wasn't enough I am facing a writers black currently and just can't write.,
          	Soo please be understanding, hopefully the chapter will be out next week but also please tell me of you wanna see somthing in the book and I will do my best to add it. 


Ik ik there was supposed to be a chapter today ans belive me when I say that I have been writing it but unfortunately I am sitting infront of it and haven't really written anything for the last 2 days. 
          I have the plot in my mind, like where imwamt this story to go but I am not able to covert them into words and if it wasn't enough I am facing a writers black currently and just can't write.,
          Soo please be understanding, hopefully the chapter will be out next week but also please tell me of you wanna see somthing in the book and I will do my best to add it. 


Hihi! How are you doing? Just wanted to know if you're going to continue with my book, or not? 


@Central_vee dw! You first should be your priority. Wishing you luck with your results!!✨


@Central_vee hiii so sorry but my exams only got over yesterday and I wasn’t on wattpad yet, but I will continue them both of them. Again soo sorry for the wait it's just things have been hectic


Hello moons!!! 
          My exams are over and I definitely didn’t butchered them!! Heheh. 
          Anyways I finally back on wattpad with full force, even though my lazy ass is resurfacing again. 
          I am writing Crimson Betrayal right now but I have also planned 1 bonus chapter of long lost sister. Also thoughts on the new cover? 
          Thank you so much for 185k read! I can't thank you all enough, see ya very soon! 
          Also,follow me on my insta as I will be posting many spoiler not only of Crimson Betrayal but I have 2 more books planned after this!! 


Woahhhhhh wth!! 
          I have been really busy these days with my exams and I haven't opened wattpad in a while but imagine my surprise when I open it and see long lost sister on no1 ranking in not 1 but 3 tags!!
          Also out of 40ķ books!!! And my surprise doesn't stop here, it has 172ķ views damnnn!!! I really can't thank you all for this. 
          My whole week has been made after I definitely didn’t messed up my exams! 
          Thank you so much moons!
          Also I have been thinking of a bonus chapter for long lost sister and working on, sooo be sure to look out for it! 


They've shifted it!! My exams I mean; it's gonna be on the 3rd of March so I can continue with your book! Hopefully, I'll get on with it this night!!✨


@Central_vee heyy my last exam is on 27 so I will be free after that and would come back to your books! Also will be posting a new chapter today!


Hihi! How are you doing? Sorry for the long wait on catching up with your books. I'll deff continue with them when I'm done with my exams!✨


@Central_vee heyyy it's perfectly fine! I have also been really busy with exams and haven't been able to read your book as well, will do all of it after my exams as well!! ❤️