Hello there awesome person~! Thank you so much for adding my story, Same, But Different to your reading list! I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks again so much,
I know this might be a little over or under done but you should try a harry potter/naruto crossover. The ones I've read have all been pretty good but the authors just seem to stop writing them. Its pretty frustrating.
@floppylala I would agree that it would be awesome to have a HP/Naruto crossover that is actually finished. At the moment, I do have Dream of Dragons that I am doing and it is taking a lot of my time currently. I might have to table the idea, but I will definitely consider it. Thanks for the post :3
Thanks for adding Thrown into Marvel to your reading list! I look forward to your votes on the chapters you've read to my stories ^.^ And that you leave a review on the final chapter! AND I HOPE YOU ENJOYED READING THE NOVEL ^.^
Thank you so much for your comments! I'm glad you like the story. It's one that's been in bits and pieces in my brain for a while and it's finally getting its time to shine. I can't wait to see what you think of what happens next.