
Happy gay month since y'all so gay and stuff 


I just came across a whole book thats named "Why I am anit-lgbt" and they talk about a whole lotta of stupid stuff like them being anti-lgbt, anti-BLM, anti-Abortion and a bunch of other stuff. I wanted to report the book but i didn't want to study up anything so I'm just gonna try to distract myself to get it off my mind :(((


Ok, so I'm gonna talk about my upload schedule. I have like ALOOOOTT of stories that I have not finished and have many ideas in my head for new stories coming so all the stories that are already out will be updated but only when I want to (which isn't a big change) but I'm gonna stop the gif thing and just put regular authors note at the end of my stories. And for the stories that are in drafts, they will not be out till the story is done and dealt with so I don't have to keep you guys waiting with future stories you guys may love.