
[English ]
          	Good day~
          	I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you all that I've removed some of my short-story on Karyakarsa (similar like Patreon if you're more familiar with it). You could read it on Karyakarsa after purchase, but don't worry, alternatively I still publish free short story for you to enjoy here. That's all from me, and as always, be healthy, be pretty & stay you
          	Link to my Karyakarsa:
          	[Bahasa ]
          	Izinkan aku untuk mengumumkan bahwa aku telah membuka akun Karyakarsa ( ). Dengan ini, beberapa cerpen aku tarik dan bisa dibaca pada akun Karyakarsa-ku setelah dibeli, tapi aku tetap menerbitkan cerpen gratis secara berseling. Sekian dan seperti biasa, be healthy, be pretty & stay you.
          	Da Da~


Hallo ma'af mengotori lapak ya, kalau mengganggu hapus aja. Siapa nih yang udah capek nulis tapi endingnya karyanya masih di draf, yakin gak mau dibukukan? 
          Spesial Ramadhan
          Start : 1 Maret 
          DL : 25 Maret 
          Jenis Event : 
          Tema : 
          1. Pengalaman di Bulan Ramadhan 
          2. Kisah Inspiratif 
          3. Doa dan Harapan 
          *noted : pilihan tema bebas harus berkaitan dengan ramadhan*
          Syarat dan ketentuan Event:
          1. Melakukan pendaftaran dengan cara Follow akun Instagram @penerbit_dsp, Saluran Wa DSP, dan Bagikan info lomba ke teman
          2. Wajib membeli buku 1 eks jika masuk kategori juara 
          3. Naskah tidak mengandung unsur kekerasan, LGBT, pornografi, dan sebagainya 
          4. Naskah tidak plagiat dan belum pernah diterbitkan 
          5. Naskah dikirim dalam bentuk dokumen word (A5, TNR 12, space 1,5) 
          6. Format pengiriman naskah : Judul, Nama Penulis, Isi Naskah, Titimangsa, dan Bionarasi 50 kata)
          7. Naskah Puisi dan Senandika maksimal 2 halaman 
          8. Naskah Cerpen maksimal 6 halaman 
          9. Naskah Quote Maksimal 75 kata 
          10. Masing-masing kirim 1 naskah terbaik 
          Kategori Juara :
          1. Juara Umum 1,2, dan 3 : Medali Akralik, Piala Spesial Kategori Juara, Piagam Penghargaan, dan E-Sertifikat
          2. Juara Harapan 1,2,3, dan 4 : Medali Akralik, Piagam Penghargaan, dan E-Sertifikat 
          3. Juara Terbaik : Medali Akralik dan E-Sertifikat 
          4. Juara Favorit, Puitis, dan Terunik : Aimilo Notebook dan E-Sertifikat 
          5. Juara Terpilih : Aimilo Pulpen dan E-Sertifikat
          6. Peserta : Benefit Pilihan
          Contacts person 
          085601386348 (Ziyaa)


[English ]
          Good day~
          I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you all that I've removed some of my short-story on Karyakarsa (similar like Patreon if you're more familiar with it). You could read it on Karyakarsa after purchase, but don't worry, alternatively I still publish free short story for you to enjoy here. That's all from me, and as always, be healthy, be pretty & stay you
          Link to my Karyakarsa:

          [Bahasa ]
          Izinkan aku untuk mengumumkan bahwa aku telah membuka akun Karyakarsa ( ). Dengan ini, beberapa cerpen aku tarik dan bisa dibaca pada akun Karyakarsa-ku setelah dibeli, tapi aku tetap menerbitkan cerpen gratis secara berseling. Sekian dan seperti biasa, be healthy, be pretty & stay you.
          Da Da~



            Terima kasih sudah follow, tapi boleh tau, dimana lihat profile-ku?


Hey! Sorry to drop this here, but if you’re into Greek mythology, you might enjoy my book!  Each chapter is a short story about some of the most interesting mythological characters. ⚠️ While I stay true to the original myths, I’ve added my OWN twists ⚠️ Hope you check it out!”


Hey! It’s totally up to you you don’t have to read it if you don’t want you and thank you so much for being interested 


@JudyHaris Hello!
            Thank you for reaching out!
            I fancy any Greek mythology that you have to offer. However, I prefer to read the works that are completed. So, I think I'll read your work sometime later. Till then~
            Happy creating!


Halo kak (^v^)... Apa kabar? Aku cuma mau ngundang kakak buat mampir lagi ke cerita Rumah Berdarah Aku. Sebelumnya Aku mau makasih dulu karna kakak udah jadi pembaca pertama Rumah Berdarah dan kasih Aku saran-saran buat cerita Aku. Makasih banyak ya kak (^v^) karna vote, komen, dan saran kakak bikin Aku tambah semangat buat bikin cerita sampe sekarang udah lumayan. Sekali lagi makasih banyak kak (^v^). Novel Aku juga dah tamat, Aku harap kakak bisa mampir and kalo berkenan kasih saran-saran lagi. Aku tunggu kedatangan kakak (^v^). I'm very thankful for your support (^v^)


@ChibiiChibaa Oh WoW~
            Terima kasih atas undangnya, nanti aku sempatkan lagi untuk menyelesaikan ceritamu.


Good day✨️
          Tis' the month of my favourite holiday, and I've prepared a new short-story to celebrate Halloween 2024!
          It's titled 'Escape The Harbour' and you can find it among my works!
          It'd be finished on the 31st of October. Domestic & international readers are always welcome for any vote, comment & reactions you have for me.
          Thanks for reading~


Good day~
          I published the second edition of Manic Desire and if you're wondering, the story stay the same but I think this version will be of better reading experience. You can check it out on my story and purchase it on selected retailers.
          Thank you for reading and until next time!