Sorry to post it here but would you mind giving my story *Eclipsed by fate * a chance? It is a fantasy dark romance about a demon trapped in mirror .This story is filled with intense emtions, twists and turns that dive deep into obsession and love. l'd love
to hear your thoughts if you have some time to check it out. If you checked it out please do let me your thoughts in comment section
Thank you so much! Your support means the world to me!
Wow that is very great to hear thank you so much for that!! I really appreciate it, I still haven't totally went through it and edited it yet but I do appreciate you reading it. Thanks again have a great one!!!
Hi, I hope you are well. I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in reading my book called prophecies and lies. It’s a werewolf romance book. I’m new to writing on Wattpad, so it will mean a lot to me if can read it.
Thank you for your votes in RBP 。◕‿◕。 I really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy reading the next chapters (regular updates every Tuesday and Saturday) Have a great weekend! (*^3^)/~♡