Hey Hey Hai :3
So lately I've decided I might make a couple of reading lists compiled with all of the books I've read on Wattpad ( Which is a HELL of ALOT ) and actually put all of my reading to use :) You guys can send in requests for some list themes/recommendations as well as me making some myself, albeit some a little cliche, filled with well written and just all around engaging books to suit your preference and mood without having to scavenge through the whole of Wattpad!
So send in your requests and hopefully if I don't trip into a spiralling hole of procrastination, I'll totally reply to each of you guys XD
Byeeeeeee from an extremely delusional, drowsy and sleep-deprived, Moi xx
P.s Unicorns. Just 'cause ;)... You're Welcome :P :o :0